32x160mm (1.1/4"x6.1/4") Hexagon Shank

Hardened tempered chrome vanadium steel finished in a corrosion resistant surface finish.
Points & narrow chisels - Demolition work in masonry & concrete, restoring joints & clearing reinforcements.

Wide chisels - Removing roughcasting and layers of dirt, removing concrete residues from foemwork boards & restoring steels.
Tarmac/Asphalt cutters - Restoration of tarmac/asphalt coverings.
Clayspades - Digging in hard compacted soil & clay.
Pads - Compacting soil, gravel & aggregates.
Stem - To suit the pad.
Tie Tamper -  Tie tampers are used within the rail industry for compacting aggregates around sleepers to ensure stability of track line.

Hammer models to suit - Atlas Copco RTEX25 32x160 & Cobra Proe 32x160, Makita HM1810 & HM1812, Wacker BH65 32x160, Macdonald 28SVRT, JCB Beaver HM25, Belle BHB 25 & BHB 27, Hycon HH20RV, HH25, HH27 & HH35, Stanley BR45, BR50, BR67 & BR87, Sullair MK250.

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Code Description Type Shank Type Working Width (mm) Under Collar (mm) Pack Qty Price Quantity
C251-912081 MP 32x160x305mm u/c Point 32x160mm Hex 300 1
£11.27 (inc VAT)
£9.39 (exc VAT)
RRP £14.22 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912083 MP 32x160x380mm u/c Point 32x160mm Hex 380 1
£12.76 (inc VAT)
£10.63 (exc VAT)
RRP £16.11 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912084 MP 32x160x450mm u/c Point 32x160mm Hex 450 1
£13.38 (inc VAT)
£11.15 (exc VAT)
RRP £16.90 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-200118 MP 32x160x1000mm u/c Point 32x160mm Hex 1000 1
£53.35 (inc VAT)
£44.46 (exc VAT)
RRP £67.37 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-200120 MP 32x160x1500mm u/c Point 32x160mm Hex 1500 1
£63.76 (inc VAT)
£53.13 (exc VAT)
RRP £80.50 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912291 NC 32x160x305mm u/c Narrow Chisel 32x160mm Hex 32mm 300 1
£11.27 (inc VAT)
£9.39 (exc VAT)
RRP £14.22 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912293 NC 32x160x380mm u/c Narrow Chisel 32x160mm Hex 32mm 380 1
£12.76 (inc VAT)
£10.63 (exc VAT)
RRP £16.11 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912294 NC 32x160x450mm u/c Narrow Chisel 32x160mm Hex 32mm 450 1
£13.38 (inc VAT)
£11.15 (exc VAT)
RRP £16.90 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-200119 NC 32x160x1000mm u/c Narrow Chisel 32x160mm Hex 32mm 1000 1
£53.35 (inc VAT)
£44.46 (exc VAT)
RRP £67.37 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912450 Broad Chisel 32x160x380 75mm Wide Chisel 32x160mm Hex 75 x 50mm 380 1
£33.11 (inc VAT)
£27.59 (exc VAT)
RRP £41.81 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912454 AC 32x160x330 125x150 Asphalt Cutter (curved edge) 32x160mm Hex 125 x 150mm 330 1
£43.37 (inc VAT)
£36.14 (exc VAT)
RRP £54.75 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912555 DC32x160x300 115x125 Tarmac Cutter 32x160mm Hex 115 x 125mm 300 1
£28.27 (inc VAT)
£23.56 (exc VAT)
RRP £35.69 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912668 CS 32x160x380mm u/c 140x230mm Clayspade 32x160mm Hex 140 x 230mm 380 1
£42.18 (inc VAT)
£35.15 (exc VAT)
RRP £53.26 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-200570 Post Driver 32x160x155mm u/c 62Dia Post Driver 32x160mm Hex Internal diameter-62mm, Internal depth-29mm 154 1
£121.74 (inc VAT)
£101.45 (exc VAT)
RRP £153.71 (exc VAT)
Out of Stock. Usually available within 5-7 days, please contact us on 0114 241 9318 to discuss availability.
C251-912903 Stem 32x160 L.Taper Stem (large taper to fit large bore pads) 32x160mm Hex 230 1
£31.30 (inc VAT)
£26.08 (exc VAT)
RRP £39.52 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C255-912904 Pad 125mmDia Large Bore Round pad (large bore) 125mm pad diameter 1
£49.10 (inc VAT)
£40.92 (exc VAT)
RRP £62.00 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C255-912906 Pad 180mm Dia Large Bore Round pad (large bore) 180mm pad diameter 1
£84.50 (inc VAT)
£70.42 (exc VAT)
RRP £106.70 (exc VAT)
In Stock
C251-912916 Square Pad 150mm L.Bore Square pad (large bore) 150mm square pad 1
£76.69 (inc VAT)
£63.91 (exc VAT)
RRP £96.84 (exc VAT)
Out of Stock. Usually available within 5-7 days, please contact us on 0114 241 9318 to discuss availability.
C255-912884 76mm Gap sheeting board driver Sheeting board driver (large bore) 76mm gap 1
£0.00 (inc VAT)
£0.00 (exc VAT)
RRP £0.00 (exc VAT)
Out of Stock. Usually available within 5-7 days, please contact us on 0114 241 9318 to discuss availability.
C251-912351 Tie Tamper 32x160x450mm u/c Tie tamper 32x160mm Hex 100mm 450 1
£84.01 (inc VAT)
£70.01 (exc VAT)
RRP £106.00 (exc VAT)
In Stock